Top Techniques For Writing Killer Complaint Letters


Top Techniques For Writing Killer Complaint Letters


Complaint letters are not always fun, but infrequently they have to be written. In numerous cases, if folks don’t moan, the issuing agency to blame ( i.e. Company or govt ) won’t even know the problem that you and others might have experienced even exists. Ultimately, legit grumbles, by even some folks, can ( and regularly do ) result in better service for everyone.


Not just that, writing complaint letters can be personally constructive too! That is right. Writing complaint letters can be an enabling and healing experience! It permits one to do something rather than playing the task of a victim and “nursing” a continual antagonism towards a company about bad service or treatment received. Once the complaint letter is written and in the post, one can “let it go” understanding that one has done something real and helpful about the situation.

Not just that, but correctly written and handled complaint letters get action! After I started writing complaint letters, I commenced receiving gracious letters of apology and remorse from senior middle management including bank vice-presidents and VPs of selling for giant firms.


Getting those in the post, felt one heck of miles better than “polishing” continuing acrimony and getting even angrier next time something bad occurred. Occasionally I even get chits and free merchandise! It is critical that you get the name and detailed mail address of a senior person in charge of the product that you are whinging about. I generally attempt to write to the V.-P. Level.

Never go below Director level if you’d like a heavy response. Name and address information can be had from the organization’s website or by calling the company and asking for the name and title of the senior person to who you must write.

When it comes to sending a significant complaint letter to a company or the govt, don’t send an email, irrespective of what it may say on their website.

Emails are generally handled dismissively by low level “customer service” folk. If you would like significant attention and action, the formal written complaint letter is the sole way to go. When it arrives in the VP’s office ( yes, by snail mail ), it triggers an official process that makes sure the right folks will see your letter and will act.

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